Archive for Celebrity

I See Dead People: Michael Jackson Painting

Posted in Art, painting with tags , , , , , on August 7, 2009 by katievautour

Michael Jackson

Okay, so I thought I’d finally jump on the fanboat and milk the untimely death of talented celebrities.

But seriously, I do like painting famous people because I’m a sellout and they make me money. That, and I think “original”…I use that term very loosely when it comes to international icons because I think heavy appropriation of source material plays a major part of these people’s lives… painting of celebrities make a strong statement about the repetitive nature and unlimited accessibility of popular culture. I mean, this is some guy’s face and yet he is an idol to who knows how many people. I don’t know him. You don’t know him (well, you might). But we feel like we do, even if we don’t. There’s something really interesting, and freaky, about that.

Best way to view this painting: take a couple of steps back from the computer screen, then take a look at it. The image is meant to pull together at a distance as it’s fairly large scale. Or squint your eyes, it has a similar effect to viewing it from farther away.

24″ x 36”. Spray paint, marker, acrylic, charcoal, oil and pastel on canvas.